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The Other Woman Code of Conduct: 

What every "other" woman should know...and MEN too!!

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"I think it is important that people understand that just because you have chosen to engage in socially unacceptable behavior does not mean you have to be personally irresponsible in your actions..."

~ KiKi Richardson 


The Other Woman Code of Conduct offers detailed guidelines for what behavior is acceptable for those participating in these arrangements. Like it or not, there is “honor among thieves” and there is protocol involved in everything we do. Cheating is no exception!

"At some point, every woman (whether knowingly or unwittingly) has been or will be the other woman."

~ KiKi Richardson

The Other Woman Code of Conduct serves as a handbook for women and men to understand the rules of engagement when having an affair. It is in our best interest to know all the facts so that we can make informed choices.

"Much like a parent would say to their child about abstaining from sex, I don't want you to indulge in this behavior. However, in the event that you do . . . PLEASE educate yourself and make wise decisions.”

~ KiKi Richardson


Infidelity is an unpleasant reality we can no longer turn a blind eye to and pretend it does not exist.--The Other Woman Code of Conduct

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